Saturday, June 23, 2012

Saturday Snapshot: Midsummer´s eve

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Alyce @ AT Home With Books.
Share your photos with us! They can be old or new but should be taken by you!

Today I am going to share a photo with you of something kind of unlikely to happen in Sweden! I should explain! 98 % of the time it rains on midsummer´s eve. And since we celebrate this and dance around the may pole we want it to be nice weather right? Well, not gonna happen if you live here. It can be sunny the day before or the day after but almost never on Midsummer´s eve. And if it is, it is sunny and then rainy and then sunny.... Well you get the picture.We have a really funny beer commercial about that actually! 

Anyway, this year (yesterday) we actually had nice weather! 
But today we have rain!


Christine Harding said...

Oh, that is pretty. We had rain where I am in England on Mid-summer Eve. My Snapshot is here

Trish said...

And you took a picture of the nice weather too! I love your midsummer tradition. I lived in Sweden for a year when I was a child and my brother was born on midsummer eve! That was a long time ago, though. He just turned 35. I'd love to get back to Sweden one day. It's such a lovely country.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

I would love to visit Sweden, since my maternal grandparents were born and raised there. They came to the US in adulthood.

Thanks for sharing...and here's MY SATURDAY SNAPSHOT POST

Melissa O. said...

That is a gorgeous picture! I love it :-)

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

grate picture of the flowers.

Kaye said...

Gorgeous light coming through makes a couple of those purple flowers almost translucent. I love it!

Eugenia O'Neal said...

And here in the Virgin Islands we could do with some rain! It hasn't rained in two or three months.

Leslie (Under My Apple Tree) said...

The pretty flowers look happy that it rained!

Alyce said...

How lucky you were to have such a beautiful day! We don't celebrate midsummer's eve here, is it the same as the summer solstice?

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

Very pretty indeed.

Wrighty said...

I love the colorful flowers! So glad you had nice weather this year. Beautiful photo! :)

Louise said...

That's a very gorgeous shot. I love pansies.

Cheryl @ Marvelous Tales said...

What a pretty shot! I wish we celebrated Midsummer's Eve here.