Tribute books blog tour june1 - August 31
Author: Brenda Stanley
Title: The color of snowSeries:
Genre: Young Adult romance
Purchase: Amazon | B&N | smashwords | ibookstore |
Release date: June 1st
My rating:

About the book:
Can a troubled young girl reenter society after living in isolation?
When a beautiful 16-year-old girl named Sophie is found sequestered in a cage-like room in a rundown house in the desolate hills of Arbon Valley, Idaho, the entire community is shocked to learn she is the legendary Callidora--a baby girl who was kidnapped from her crib almost seventeen years ago and canonized in missing posters with portraits of what the fabled girl might resemble. Authorities soon learn that the cage was there to protect people from Sophie, because her biological father believes she is cursed.Sophie is discovered after the man she knows as Papa, shoots and injures Damien, a young man who is trying to rescue her. Now, unsocialized and thrust into the world, and into a family she has never met, Sophie must decide whether she should accept her Papa’s claims that she is cursed and he was only trying to protect others, or trust the new people in her life who have their own agendas. Guided by a wise cousin, Sophie realizes that her most heartbreaking challenge is to decide if her love for Damien will destroy him like her Papa claims, or free her from past demons that haunt her mind.
My thoughts:
This was a really complex story. It has so many layers and it makes it intriguing and hard to put down. The people´s lives in this story are so complicated and I found myself stopping a lot thinking about what I would have done or how I would have reacted if I was in a similar situation, You don´t know who is bad and who is good and I ended up loving and hating every single person in this book except for Vee and Sophie. But at last I realized that there is no such thing as only good or only bad. There is good and bad in all of us and it is the situations around us and how we react in those that decide if we are good or bad in that moment.
I loved this story! I loved Sophie, she is so strong and have such a kind heart. The story is written mostly through her eyes but there are also glimpses back in time so that the reader gets to know what happened and the reasons to event leading up to the rescue of Sophie and it totally works, it makes the reader wanting more.
I would totally recommend this book because it´s amazing! you should not miss this read!
About Brenda Stanley, the author of "The color of snow"

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Thank you so much for the post and review!!
Cecilia, thanks for the review!
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