Monday, October 1, 2012

September wrap-up

I am so bored right now so I thought I would do a post I have never done before.... a wrap up for September. Maybe someone is interested to know what I have read during this first month of fall?

Ok so, how to do this?
DonĀ“t you just love goodreads? How would could I have done this if goodreads did not exist? I would never be able to keep track of all my reads! no way!

Read this year: 52 
(not a huge amount I suppose, but hey I do other things as well, like work, study and being a mom, to name a few)

Read during September: 9 

Of those 9, 
read in english: 9
read in swedish: 0

The books I read was:

Altered by Kimberly Montague
Divided by Kimberly Montague
Manipulated by Kimberly Montague
Love by the book by Dara England
The Flawless by Mia Hoddell
Of noble birth by Brenda Novak
The golden lily by Richelle Mead
Promise me by Julian Dee
Seeing stars by Vanessa Grant

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