
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tune in Tuesday: The Fray

Tune in Tuesday is hosted by Ginger @ GReads
But this feature can now be found at Katelyn´s blog Kate´s tales of books and bands until further notice

This week I want to share with you a band that has been one of my favourites for years! I love everything they do and I have everything they´ve done. I love their music and their lyrics they just comes together in perfect harmony!
I give you The awesome The Fray

I am going to share two new songs from their new album Scars and stories

First out is The fighter by The Fray

Next out by The Fray is Turn me on

When I was looking for these two awesome songs by The Fray I found another song by someone else that I just loved when I listened to it so this will be like a bonus track

Parachute - Kiss me slowly

And a few weeks ago I tried to share an awesome song by the swedish band Takida and most of you could not see the video so I thought I would try with another video. hopefully it will work this time. 
So my second bonus track today

Takida - You learn


  1. Nice! I love The Fray


  2. SO much awesome music this week! I was able to see The Fray in concert a while back and they were incredible! After seeing them perform Turn Me On, it's become my favorite song by them! Also, if you're a fan of Parachute be sure to check out the band Green River Ordinance. They are both so fantastic!

  3. My problem is I listen to a small selection of artists and don't try new ones often enough! Though, I do think The Fray are definitely listen-worthy. =)


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