Title: The Mackenzie Legacy
Series: The Athena Affect #2
Genre: Young adult, paranormal romance
My e-copy: Received by author for review
Purchase: Amazon
My rating: 3,5 feet
As their story continues, Calvin and Caledonia find themselves madly in love, on the run, and nearly out of money. When Cal stumbles upon a way to cash in on Cali’s powers, their life on the road becomes a life of leisure. Despite the easy money and newfound luxury, Caledonia’s conscience begins to trouble her.
A disturbing warning only serves to confirm her misgivings, making her question her purpose in life. Finally, a shocking discovery about the true nature of her powers points the way forward, sending the two Cals on a dangerous rescue mission.
Caledonia tries her best to right the wrongs of the past, but will she only end up provoking new and even more dangerous enemies?
My thoughts:
I liked this book, it was a nice read but it didn't have that wow effect that I would've liked to have to give it a higher rating.
In the first book "The Athena effect" Cali and Cal faces the evil and somewhat insane scientist who capture Cali inside his home to have her as a sort of trophy and use her unique powers to influence other peoples emotions. In the end Cal manage to help Cali escape and in this book they are on the run until Cali turns eighteen and the evil scientist no longer has any control over her. So in this story they are hiding out traveling around California and gambling to make some money.
I felt like a big part of the book was kind of slow while they were on the run. noting much really happened. Cal is really insecure about his role in Cali's life and feel like he is not worthy of her and Cali is dealing with how to ensure him of her feelings and her growing unease of their gambling since she feels they are cheating when they use her powers to win.
It's in the end of the book the action starts and makes it really interesting. They have a new and more vicious enemy and when I close that last page of the book I really want to know what happens next. So even if the book was a bit slow in a big part of the book it really got better along the way and I absolutely want to read the next book in the series.
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