This week's topic is Top Ten Nine words/topics that make me NOT pick up a book
1, Mental Illness
I really don´t care to read about mental patients. I don´t wan´t to be in their heads...
2, Terminal Illness
This i just depressing.. I read to escape reality and I don´t want this kind of topic in my imaginery world. The only exception to this rule has been "The Burning Star" by Jessie Lane. But only because it had a magical happy ending lol
3, Spaceships/Sci Fi
Bleh! No, no and over again NO! I can read very light sci fi like The Host but not books with Spaceships and stuff. Just not for me.
4, History
I wan´t to be able to relate to the charachters and surroundings in my books so this is out of question for me. Either I read Urban Fantacy or paranormal the books always takes place in present time.
5, Death/Tragedy
Same answer as no. 2
6, Politics
Ick! I hate politics. I just think it´s extremely boring.
7, Zombies
Nope, not happening!
8, Religion
I don´t care for religion at all so this makes me throw a book across the room if I by some chance happen to come across one.
9, Boring Covers
I´m a sucker for pretty covers and always pick up a book if the cover is nice (Ofcourse the blurb has to be good aswell). I mean it´s the first thing I see so if I don´t like the cover the chance is I woun´t read it....
Politics and religion are almost always awful subjects for books. I stay away from both of these. And I wish people wouldn't argue about them at family gatherings, either.
Here's my Top Ten list.
I can agree with just about all of these as well. But for zombies they tend to be a hit or miss. I personally enjoy Lia Habel's Respiration series and Gena Showalter's White Rabbit Chronicles--think that's the name anyway!
Here's my Tuesday Post
Have a GREAT day!
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