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We are about to see a lot of posts & tweets about reader conventions, RT, BEA, ALA and many more are starting soon. Which one would you love to attend? Where and why?
Okey, so to be honest I have no idea what RT, BEA and ALA is but after reading several bloggers answers I am guessing it´s sort of a book conventrion? Can someone fill me in? lol
Since i´m not living in USA I never have the oportunity to go to those kinds of events. *tears falling* heh
you're on the right path, they're mostly conventions where authors receive awards
new GFC follower
Danielle @ Coffee and Characters
Following back! I live in the US but did not know about these conventions before this FF. BEA is in NYC so it is probably one of the bigger ones - that's the one I know have my eye on because it is a mere 4 hour drive away. Maybe one day : )
- CeCe @ steamingmugofbooks.blogspot.com
Think positive. One day you could go. I think that way too. :)
I am a new follower.
Here is my FF http://between-my-lines.blogspot.gr/2013/04/feature-and-follow-9-reader-conventions.html
Following back ;-) What an awesome blog name, by the way.
I don't know what all of them are except for BEA. Would love to go to that convention someday! All those books and authors and bloggers. Fun!
I'm only familiar with BEA, and it's the one I want to attend the most. But I live very far away.
Here's my FF:http://ireadandtell.blogspot.com/2013/04/feature-and-follow-2.html
New follower via GFC ;)
I was unaware of this event until this FF. Just ordered my tickets for BEA June 1st (open to public) so excited I can't wait to go :)
Old Follower
I love your blog name!!! I only found out about the conventions once I started blogging and hope to go next year. Hopefully one day you'll get to go too :) Thanks for stopping by this week. Old follower.
Traci @ Mad Hatter Reads
ALA is supposed to only be for librarians, but there are always a lot of bloggers. BEA is the big one though. The idea of all of them is for publishers to promote their upcoming books by giving away ARCs.
Thanks for stopping by my FFF.
LisaILJ @ I’ll Tumble for YA
I didn't know about these before I started blogging. I live on the west coast so I am pretty far from some of these big ones. Not as far as you though, :-( Hope you can come over and go to one someday. Thanks for stopping by my FF. New follower :-)
:( I've never been to one either, but I've seen pictures. Looks like we are missing out. Thanks for stopping by my FF. New follower via GFC.
Yeah, those are all book convetions of a sort! I do feel bad for all my international blogging buddies. Not too many author conventions happen overseas.
Here's my Follow Friday
Have a GREAT weekend!
Old Follower :)
I have almost no idea what they are besides that they are book events. Anything more then that I don't know.
Following you back :D
Great answer! : )
Old follower
my FF and international giveaway
Lovely blog! I live in the US and still can't afford to go :(
Thanks for visiting!
Aww sorry about that but maybe one day you'll be able to attend one.
old follower
following back :)
Hopefully one day you can attend one or spot on where you live. Good luck! New follower :)
I've never been to any of these conventions before, but from what I've been reading they are a lot of fun! Love your background/blog.
New Follower :)
Here's My FF
Jackie @Jackie's Book World
I didn't know about the conventions until I started blogging, maybe one day. Thanks for stopping by, following back
Yup they are all book conventions
BEA and ALA are the two biggest one I believe. And it's dream for reader to attend any of the book conventions especially BEA =)
Thanks for stopping by and I follow back via GFC
Amie @Magic of Words
Following on to your comment over on my blog, I don't know if it will come to pass, but one of the cities bidding to host WorldCon in 2015 is Helsinki. I know that's in Finland and not Sweden, but it would definitely be closer for you than Orlando, Florida or Spokane, Washington.
Aaron (Dreaming About Other Worlds).
I might be attending BEA (book expo america, a book convention where you get to meet other blogers, authors, and publishers) for the first time next year.
*crossing fingers*
Thanks for stopping by!
Returning the follow :)
I actually had to research them first. Then I made up my mine with Rom Con.
New GFC Follower
Thanks for following http://pinkyjustlisten.blogspot.com/
Get with it! You should definitely look into the conventions. Although, it you're out of the USA, I'm not sure if you should make the trip! It's expensive for even those IN the USA :\
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Check out my FF post!
Heya, Love your blog! New GFC follower. My blog is http://wsheam.blogspot.com/
I definitely had to google what the acronyms stood for this morning. LOL. I'm still new to blogging so I had never heard of them. I'd love to go to one at some point!
Old GFC Follower, new Twitter
Thanks for stopping by my FF!
Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros
I never been to a reader convention either. And I live in the USA. *crying with you LOL.
New GFC follower~
Cindy @ http://bookaholicfaggots.blogspot.com
Thank you for stopping by! I returned the follow. Have a great weekend.
Sorry you live so far away. I still don't quite know what all of these are, I am still learning. New GFC follower, thanks for stopping by my blog!
hi sandra!
lol you think the conventions are cool and would like to attend but i would LOVE to go to sweden :)
thanks for stopping by! new follower~~
I really got the same problem.
I think I should save some money and in a few years I can go to such a convention. Only, that would mean that I can't buy any books any more. I really don't like that.
Thanks for your comment on my ff.
Mariska (new follower)
I am a new follower through FF hop.
Brandi at Blkosiner’s Book Blog
Following back via GFC :)
I didn't know what they were, either. I had an idea of ALA, but I looked them all up to be able to answer, lol. I'm sorry you don't have these kinds of events in your country! That really sucks. I've never been to one, though. One day, you could hop over here and go to one. We could go together! :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog! Following you back! :D
I'd love to go to one too, but I'm in the UK- so I feel your pain!
I'm an old follower :)
It sucks that we live far away and not know anything about these conventions. :/
Thanks for stoppin by my FF! New GFC follower.
Michelle Shouts Random
The only one I was familiar with was BEA - I had to look up the others, too! But I'm excited to e a first-time attendee at BEA this year. I'm lucky that my brother lives in NYC; otherwise, I don't think I could have afforded the hotel costs to stay for 5 days!
Thanks for visiting and following.
Stephanie (Go Flash Go) @ Read, Rinse, Repeat
Book conventions where bloggers meet authors. How cool is that?!
Following back :)
Thank you so much for visiting. I'm following back via GFC!
Thanks for the follow and yup they are book conventions!
someday we'll be able to attend those conventions! lol
thanks for stopping by my blog, new follower!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! New follower!
haha don't feel bad, I had to look up2 out of 3 of those things >.< Thanks for sharing & for stopping by and following earlier ♥ New follower via GFC & G+
Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows
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